At Insight Care Services Ltd, we are able to combine our previous knowledge in providing Short time Solution Focussed therapies that would lead to recovery. We therefore provide tailored One to One person-centred Psychotherapy, Cognitive behavioural Therapy, Psychodynamic therapy and Spiritual therapies.
We provide access to health & Social Care training from GSCE to those with interest in becoming healthcare assistant, support workers and had no previous experience.
We work with Staff with Qualification as RGN, RMN with pin number and registration with NMC (Nursing and Midwifery) United Kingdom. Get in touch with us: [email protected]
We have of recent secure Certificate of Sponsorship with the home office and if interested you may wish to get in touch with us. [email protected]
We organise CV and Port-Folio and Sign-post Candidate to employers, to work flexibly part time or full time
We are Currently working with DWP, JCP(Job Centre Plus, Bulwell and Nottingham) on (Way to Work) and also partnering with Ground work Nottingham on NEW START.
Contact us: E:[email protected]
Tel: 07903152537, 07552482071