Modern Slavery Act Statement

This statement is made on behalf of Insight Care Services ltd which is wholly owned in accordance with section 54 of the Modern slavery Act 2015(MSA). Insight has a zero tolerance for any activity which consistutes modern slavery or human trafficking under the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Organisation structure, business and supply chain

Insight employs around 20 permanent staff and operates in the pensions market as an auto enrolment pension scheme trustee. Insight as a public corporation is accountable to Parliament through the Department for work and Pensions. To find out visit our website.

Policies and Procedures

Insight’s staff handbook and whistleblowing procedure set out organisational policies and the ethical principle upheld by our staff. Our main suppliers are investment managers, fund administrators and suppliers of administration and professional services. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business and supplier relationships. Further information can be found in our corporate responsibility statement and on our website.

Due diligence of our supply chain and business

Insight’s business activities and supply chain are considered low risk for modern slavery. We operate in the financial services industry. Our major suppliers provide professional or financial servics to Insight. they’re based in MSA low risk geographical locations like Europe and are contractually commited to comply with the MSA

We do not use child labour, or forced labour or coercive employee practices for example the constification of personal documents

We comply with legal requirements around pay, working hours, rest breaks and holidays

We undertake due diligence on new suppliers and existing suppliers.

We enhance staff awareness of modern slavery through training and the promotion of modern slavery issues through multiple intranet articles

Our recruitment processes include background screening and right to work checks.

We monitor and report on our MSA compliance actions to Nest’s audit commitee.

Signed on behalf of Nest Corporation.

Chief Executive Officer

Olorunyomi Adeyemi

Date: 09/11/2022